Youth Empowerment Society
Youth can change the world
Family of Like-Minded Individuals
Anthropologist Margaret Med had once said:” never falter in this regard that a small group of visionary and fear Len citizens can change the entire world” A brief sketch of “YES” mission is being presented before you:
ü YES has the aim to strong them such voices which enlighten the pathway to change. Our envenom is not only to end the tensions blocking the restoration of peace but to begin the freedom of reconciliation.
ü YES aims to work against such projects which are alienating the youth in their own society.
ü YES believes that now it in for necessary then ever before that instrument of transforming the dream of peaceful future into reality should be handed over to the youth.
ü YES shall make all possible efforts to inculcate the culture of book reading and exchange of ideas amongst the youth, however the aim of the YES is to discourage such politics which disorders political parties & reach a true path to reestablish just and durable peace.
ü YES is the platform of like-minded individuals for like-minded individuals. We have to continue our struggle without waiting for the national and state systems to come and join us and busy themselves in joint struggle at local levels. Society believes that although these intellectuals and physical endeavors are pretty now yet the future growth is hidden in these tiny seeds.
ü YES i.e., the function of the strong group of like-minded individuals is also to being forth in documentary form a survey of environmental disaster and fatal effects upon health to legislate for environmental and social disciplines and launch a campaign for its enforcement, which also includes raising voice of protest against the illegal and unethical reasons of big mercantile in test besides con dreaming the instruments trade of weapons.
ü No activity could get neither going nor taken roots with out the help intellectual’s affiliation of the youth. All friends attached with YES are whichever place them belring forefront to promise to save lives at all levels. However possible prefer to boycott each and every product.
ü YES team proud to work for children and citizens over 50 years of age and peace irsne two and is ready voluntary to extend voluntary exportation to all the organizations engaged in these aims at all levels
ü YES pays tribute to Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Jesus Christ, Mahatma Budh, revolutionary teaching his regard to peace and love. Besides the great ideas of Saint Frances, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, Marthn Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Aung Sang suchi which had the capability not only to change the cause but also bearer behind an unpeol upon history for mamfoating
ü So to save humanity from collision, to provide the youth towards study and dialogue and intellectuals moving of on the right path do you again with YES mission?
ü If you are firmly optimists regarding coming of good times and you believes that struggles for human rights inrealily in continous dialogue within the society so that by blaming the conflicting in trusts demands for human equality and justice are fulfilled them we are looking forward for you next step towards YES.
Society Believes, Action without Vision is only passing times, Vision without Action is only Daydreaming, But, Vision with action can change the world. Committed youth can change the world, just need similar world outlook. If you are Committed Vision with action, and like to join us, you are Most-welcome.
YES awaits your Emails, your phone calls, your letters and sincerity
Organizer YES!
TV-Host & Editorial In Charge ( English Newspaper)
and Columnist.
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